image We support IM Mas Hafizulhelmi's quest for GM. There are too many nay sayers to Mas hard work and too few people who voice out their support for this brave young GM aspirant.

it's impossible for him to achieve it if he doesn't have support from Malaysians. So if you are a Malaysian blogger, please put this button on your website to show your support for our brave hero,


Copy and paste this code into your blog to have the above button link as show of support for IM Mas.


  1. fingertalking // May 13, 2008 at 5:34 PM  

    hello there, nice to come across the supporters for Mas. just that, would Mas himself knows or not that he has this support? not much point if not eh? i was looking up on the net but found nothing really linking to the man himself, just hoping for the assurance that he knows of all the cheers : )

  2. Anonymous // May 22, 2008 at 4:53 PM  

    Are people not aware of his quest to become a GM? Well, we'll have to put the word out more then, won't we? Been a supporter of Mas since I first heard about him while I was still in high school years ago. Good luck, Mas!

  3. sya // May 29, 2008 at 11:03 AM  

    excuse me...what is the Mas GM?I don't get it...

  4. Fikri // June 27, 2008 at 4:07 AM  

    Mas, jgn lupa solat, byk2 berdoa kpd Allah, niatkan dalam hati nak jadi GM semata-mata utk umat Islam, jgn lupa zikir slalu,
    byk2 bertawakkal kpd Allah,jgn lupa muhasabah diri byk2, moga kamu mendapat kejayaan,Mas.


  5. timlck // September 10, 2008 at 9:51 AM  

    Hello everyone, I should speak in Bahasa Malaysia for now. Hello; Kepada semua warga Malaysia dan penduduk tetap. Saya ingin umumkan bahawa ada satu kelab catur baru di kawasan Cheras. Kami akan menganjurkan pertandingan catur secara bajet iaitu rm3 atau rm5 shj untuk menyertai pertandingan catur bajet 2...!!! Tujuan kelab ini adalah utk mencari juara catur di kawasan Cheras. Kalau anda ingin cuba, sila hubungi saya di

  6. Fatkurradzi Jamil // January 3, 2009 at 9:18 AM  

    Keep going Mas! Keep going! U'll be the 1st GM for Malaysia! GM Mashafizulhelmi!

  7. Sumant // November 25, 2011 at 7:45 AM  

    Yeah! Mas is our best bet! I'm kinda sure he'll be a GM soon..just hope he doesn't move on to other things and helps Malaysia produce more n more GMs in the future! :D

  8. fyzy // January 2, 2012 at 8:11 AM  

    all da best mas..u can do it..he is the best bet for GM...